
About Us

With over 25 years of experience, Uptimize Solutions is ready to help your business take the next step and succeed in today's ever changing environment.

  • We can help your business move from a startup to small, to medium, to large
  • Upgrade your infrastructure or move to the cloud
  • Optimize your workflows and reduce labor and wasted time

We at Uptimize Solutions love to help businesses grow and flourish and have been working to help businesses in many industries to grow, expand offerings, improve collaboration, market themselves, and thrive in an ever changing and fast paced global economy.

Learn More

We have helped businesses in many industries overcome their technological and operations difficulties

Whether you are in education, logistics, manufacturing, sales, or any other industry, if your infrastructure needs help, we are here for you!

  • 01 IT Backbone

    When everything works perfectly, nobody notices. If something doesn't work, everybody notices. We are here to make sure nobody even knows we were ever there. We can get your network and servers working flawlessly to give your employees and customers a top notch experience.

  • Almost every business has inefficiencies. We specialize in helping our clients reduce waste, cut out middlemen, and eliminate busywork. Your people should focus on what they do best, not on the mundane tasks they dread on a daily basis.

  • Marketing and branding are a pillar of growth for businesses. We have helped numerous clients rebrand or strengthen their brand by unifying their look and targeting their ideal audience with their message. You do great work, we want people to know that!


Data is King

If you don't have visibility into all aspects of your business, you don't know what you're missing. Whether it is machine uptime, employee availability, or marketing effectiveness, you need your data to work for you.

Uptime 100%
Client Conversion 90%
Availability 75%
Marketing Budget Spent 55%


We offer a variety of servies and love doing everything we can to help our customers in any way we can so that they can be as successful as possible

Help Desk

24/7 Tech support is only a call, email, or message away. No matter what your tech problem is, we can fix it.


Give your company a fresh, clean, updated look with a rebrand, or update your look to keep up with the times.


Eliminate waste, increase productivity, and reduce costs by letting us find inefficiencies within your business.

Back End

Upgrade your servers, update your network, and speed up your business so that you can do what you do best, even better.

What are you waiting for?

Give us a call or reach out to us today to start the journey to Uptimize your business. We love helping companies grow and succeed. We can't wait to start this process and hope you can't either!


Here are some of the many projects we have completed. From hardware to software, processes to branding, and everything in between, we have done just about everything.

  • All
  • Websites
  • Infrastructure
  • Branding
Silver Lining Poster

Silver Lining

Black Cherry Brewing Poster

Company Intranet

Company Intranet

Internal Website

Super Citra

Super Citra

Black Cherry Brewing Poster

Server Monitoring

Server Monitoring

Automated issue detection and notification

Shipping Website

Shipping Website

Shipping Broker Homepage

Network Rack

Network Rack

New switches and wiring

Black Cherry Brewing Logo

Black Cherry Brewing

Logo Design

Wireguard Management

Wireguard Management

VPN Access

Hop J.A.M. Coaster

Hop J.A.M. Coaster

New label for an IPA

Merchandise Website

Merchandise Website

Online Storefront


Webmin Linux Monitor

Easily manage Linux servers

Get Help

We offer a variety of services to update, upgrade, and optimize your business.

IT Help

from $80per hour

  • Help Desk and employee support
  • Networking hardware upgrades and maintenance
  • Server upgrades, setup, and migration
  • Cloud migration and remote work support
Get Started


$49brand consultation

  • Start fresh with a new website
  • Reimagine your brand with a new logo
  • Unify your brand with a look book
  • Optimized brand based marketing
  • Unified messaging through campaigns
Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions

We would rather answer your questions in person, but if you prefer this kind of impersonal type of communication, that's cool too.

  • How quickly can you get started?

    We would love to sit down with you as soon as possible. Most times, we can set up an initial meeting to discuss your needs and your vision within a week.

  • Like most consulting, we charge by the hour. For IT services, we do offer support contracts with discounts for packages of regular hours. Branding services are offered at set prices with discounts given for packages.

  • Of course! For the privacy of our customers, we don't share who they are online, but if you'd like to talk to one of our past or current customers, just ask and we would be happy to put you in contact with them!

  • We recognize the benefits and pitfalls of each setup and leave that up to the individual business to make their own decision based on what suits their needs best. We operate with all environments and have experience with multiple platforms. We don't discriminate!

  • Absolutely! We have experience with Windows, Mac, and Linux environments and love them all! Although there are challenges with mixed environments, we have found ways to make these work well for businesses who want or need these setups.


We would love to hear from you! Please fill out the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible!


Lake County, IL

